Stock Rom / Firmware Samsung Galaxy J2 Core SM-J260G Android 8.1.0
Download Stock Rom / Firmware para Samsung Galaxy J2 Core
Modelo SM-J260G
Região India
Idioma Multi Linguagem
Android 8.1.0
Build date Wed, 18 Jul 2018
Security Patch Level 2018-07-01
Product code INS
Tamanho 722 MB
- Download Odin v3.13.1
- Extract the firmware file you just downloaded. You should get 5 files:AP (System &Recovery)BL (Bootloader)CP (Modem / Radio)CSC_*** (Country / Region / Operator)HOME_CSC_*** (Country / Region / Operator)
- Add each file to it's respective field in Odin v3.13.1. Use CSC_*** if you want to do a clean flash or HOME_CSC_*** if you want to keep your apps and data.
- Reboot your phone in Download / Odin mode with the following button combo: POWER + VOLUME DOWN + BIXBYOther options in case first option did not work or isn't possible.Option 2 VOLUME DOWN + VOLUME UP than USB cableOption 3 POWER + VOLUME DOWN + VOLUME UPOption 4 POWER + VOLUME DOWN + HOME BUTTON
- Once in download mode, connect your phone to the PC, preferably using the original USB cable you got with your phone. Odin should detect your device and a BLUE box will show up with the COM port number. (Be sure, the SAMSUNG-drivers are installed on your PC!)
- Do NOT tick any extra boxes. The only options to be ticked are F.Reset Time and Auto-Reboot.
- Click the start button, wait for Odin to say 'PASS' in a GREEN box. Once the flash is complete, your phone will reboot, and you can disconnect your phone from the PC.
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do Galaxy J2 Core SM-J260G.
Stock Rom / Firmware Samsung Galaxy J2 Core SM-J260G Android 8.1.0
Reviewed by Duda Andrade

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